May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month


May is Skin Cancer Awareness month, and I would love to take this opportunity to make sure you and your loved ones are up to date on skin checks.

The facts below are provided the Skin Cancer Foundation.  I recently had the privilege of being a part of thir Destination Healthy Skin:  Free Skin Cancer Screening & Education Program.  This program involves an RV that travels the country. Volunteer dermatologists (such as myself) have provided more than 29,000 free skin cancer screenings and distributed free skin cancer educational materials and sun protection products to more than 100,000 people.  During the time I volunteered, I provided skin cancer screenings to 25 people in the RV – that was a new experience!

Here are some stunning facts regarding skin cancer:

One in five Americans will get skin cancer by age 70.

More than two Americans die of melanoma every hour.

When detected early, the five-year survival rate for melanoma is 99%.

There have been so many times that I have found skin cancers on patients, and they had no idea the cancer was there.  I have found melanomas on buttocks, in between toes, and on faces during Botox appointments.   I give these examples to emphasize the importance of having a professional complete a head-to-toe skin exam on a regular basis.

There are differing opinions as to how often a skin cancer check should be performed.  I tend to recommend annually for most adults in Arizona, given our high rate of skin cancers. For those with a personal history of skin cancer, I recommend twice a year if the skin cancer has been within the last two years, and annually thereafter.

At our practice, we offer appointments with experts in skin cancer detection and we pride ourselves on the quality of our exams and the care we provide.  We would love to help you with your skin examination, or any issue you may be having with your skin – please feel free to schedule by clicking the link below or calling our office at: 480-398-1550.

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