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What is acne?
Acne is one of the most common skin concerns in men and women. Acne can surface on the skin from a buildup of oil, dirt, dead skin cells, and bacteria blocking the pores. When the pores are blocked, you can develop unwanted acne. Acne typically emerges in areas on the face, back, neck, chest, and shoulders. Acne issues usually arise during the teenage years when the hormones are high. Severe acne causes skin discoloration and physical scars to appear on the skin, as well as emotional distress. When topical acne medication fails, stubborn acne and clogged pores can impact your quality of life by causing insecurity, skin irritation, and physical pain.
What Causes acne?
Acne emerges when the pores on the skin become clogged. This clog can include dead skin cells, dirt, and bacteria. Typically, dead skin cells are released from the pore’s surface. When the body produces a high amount of oil (sebum that keeps the skin moist), you are more likely to experience moderate acne breakouts. When you have active acne, dirt, dead skin cells, and oil can gather and become stuck inside the pore.
Sometimes, bacteria on the skin’s surface can also become trapped within the pore. This provides the ideal environment for bacteria to multiply. Pores or the hair follicle become inflamed, swollen, and red. A nodule or an acne cyst can emerge if the swelling reaches deep under the skin’s surface.
Although moderate to severe acne has many causes, specific scenarios can heighten the occurrence of acne, including:
- Increase in hormones during puberty
- Increase in hormones during pregnancy
- Changes in birth control
- Genetics
- Greasy skincare products
- Medications
Are There Different Types of Acne?
There are many types of acne. The most common forms of acne include:
Comedonal acne includes blackheads and whiteheads that appear black or white on the surface of the skin. Whiteheads are closed pores, while blackheads are open. Both contain the same dry skin, oil, and dirt mixture within the pore. However, blackheads are exposed to air, causing them to have a black appearance.
Inflammatory acne is often struck with bacteria. These bumps appear red, inflamed, and painful. These bumps can be filled with puss.
Cystic acne reaches deep below the skin surface, causing painful acne bumps to appear. This form of widespread acne is prone to acne scars.
Hormonal acne can emerge during particular times, including menstruation, puberty, and pregnancy. This form of acne is typically located on the chin and jawline.
How Can You Treat Your Acne?
There are treatments for all levels and types of acne. At Clear Dermatology & Aesthetics Center, our experts can help minimize your existing acne, prevent breakouts, and decrease your likelihood of scarring. While each acne outbreak varies, and everyone has a different response to treatments, we personalize a treatment plan based on your lifestyle, needs, and desired outcome. Your treatment plan may consist of over-the-counter acne medications containing benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid topical or oral medications, azelaic acid chemical peels, laser treatments, or a combination. Now is the best time to start treatment. Early treatment can prevent scarring and discoloration.
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frequently asked questions
Yes, there are many types of acne. The most common types are:
Comedonal: blackheads and whiteheads. Inflammatory: often become red, swollen and painful and there may be larger pus-filled acne bumps. Cystic: deep, painful acne bumps that may be widespread. This type of acne is especially prone to permanent scarring. Hormonal: acne that becomes worse around a woman’s menstrual cycle and may be located along the jawline and chin.
Almost every case of acne can be successfully treated, no matter how mild or severe. The providers at Clear Dermatology & Aesthetics Center are experts in treating acne and can help treat your existing acne, prevent new breakouts from forming, and reduce your chance of developing scars. While each case of acne is different, and while each person responds differently to medications, each acne treatment plan is individualized to best fit your lifestyle and desired outcome. Your routine may include over the counter medications, prescription topical medications, prescription oral medications, chemical peels, laser treatments, or a combination of various treatments. No matter what, early treatment is the best approach, so that you can prevent scarring and discoloration.
TheraClear acne system is a state-of the art acne treatment device that addresses multiple causes of acne in a single treatment. The device utilizes Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and vacuum technology to reduce acne and the associated redness and hyperpigmentation. This combination therapy destroys the p. acnes bacteria that causes acne and extracts sebum for deep pore cleansing. The TheraClear acne system is the only continuously-cooled device that is FDA-cleared for the treatment of multiple acne indications on all skin types, including the following types of acne:
- Mild to inflammatory acne (acne vulgaris)
- Pustular acne
- Comedonal acne